It’s good to get a perspective on the revival from outside Leicester….

Michael Broudeur is a former pastor at Bethel Church California, and still teaches on their programmes. He was particularly involved in helping lead and support the ministry of Jesus Culture. He is the author of the book Revival Culture, which is particularly relevant when we read his quote below.

Michael and his wife Diane visited Chroma Church last week. This is what he said on Instagram:

Diane and I were blown away by the amazing saints at Chroma Church in Leicester. Pastors Steve & Juliet Barber are leading one of the most thriving churches that I’ve seen in many years. Their gatherings are a taste of heaven with every tongue and tribe represented. They led over 369 people to Christ in 2023 and they are already ahead of this number in 2024. Also, worship leader Joel Barber and his team are writing powerful songs for a new generation of worshippers. Thank you, Jesus, for what you are doing in this amazing church!

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